Los Niños Bien Educados
A 10 week evidence basedparenting program to helpin raising proud, confidentand healthy children byproviding culturallysensitive and affirmingskills.
Virtual Classes Available &In Person Classes Available
• Childcare Provided
• Light Dinner with Snacks
Dual Generation Initiative
In partnership with United Way, the Dual Generation Initiative, works to remove barriers for families (with children ages 0 to 10 years) who are wanting to further their education and become self-sufficient. The Madonna Center is focusing on promoting mental health, well-being, self-efficacy and domestic violence prevention.
For more information on the program, visit: https://www.uwsatx.org/our-work/programs/dual-generation-initiative/
To apply for the program, please contact Cameron Serrato, Dual Generation Coordinator via email at cserrato@madonnacentersa.org or call (210) 432-2374.